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Standard ArabicGrammar0 to A1 CourseEnglish relative clauses

Heading level 1[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

In this lesson, you will learn the differences between Arabic and English relative clauses, how to use them correctly, and plenty of examples as well.

Heading level 2: What is a relative clause?[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

Before we delve into the differences between Arabic and English, it's important to understand what a relative clause is. It is a type of clause that is used to describe or provide further information about a noun. In English, relative clauses usually begin with the pronouns "that," "who," or "which." In Arabic, relative clauses are introduced by the relative pronoun "الذي" (al-dhi) or its variations.

Heading level 3: "ذي" and its variations[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

In Arabic, "الذي" (al-dhi) is the most common relative pronoun and is pronounced "al ˈðiː". It can be combined with prepositions to form variations of the relative pronoun.

Here is a table showing some examples with different variations of the relative pronoun in Arabic:

Standard Arabic Pronunciation English Translation
الذي al ˈðiː that (masc. singular)
التي əl ˈtiː that (fem. singular)
اللذان əlˈððuːðæn that (dual)
اللتان əlˈlatæn that (fem. dual)
الذين əlˈððiːn that (masc. plural)
اللاتي əlˈlaːti that (fem. plural)

Notice how each variation is specific to the gender and number of the noun it is referring to.

Heading level 2: Differences between Arabic and English relative clauses[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

Now, let's focus on the differences between Arabic and English relative clauses.

In English, a relative clause must have a subject and a verb, and it can come before or after the noun it modifies. For example: "The man who is standing in the corner is my brother."

In Arabic, the relative clause can come before or after the noun it modifies, but it does not need a subject or a verb. The relative pronoun is enough to describe or provide more information about the noun. For example, the sentence "الرجل الذي واقف في الزاوية هو أخي" (al-rajul al-dhi waqeef fee al-zawiyah huwa akhi) when translated to English is "The man standing in the corner is my brother."

Another difference is that in Arabic, the relative pronoun must agree in gender and number with the noun it refers to, while in English, the pronoun remains the same regardless of the noun it refers to.

Heading level 3: More examples[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

Here are more examples of how relative clauses work in Arabic and English:

Standard Arabic Pronunciation English Translation
الفتاة التي تحب الكتب al-fatah əlˈlati taɦəbbu al-kutub The girl who loves books.
الرجل الذي رأيته أمس al-rajul əlˈdhi raʔaytu-hu ʔams The man who I saw yesterday.
البنت التي تجلس بجانبي al-bint əlˈlati tajlis bi-ʒaanib-i The girl who is sitting next to me.

Note that in Arabic, the pronoun agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to.

Heading level 2: Practice makes perfect[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

Now that you understand the differences between Arabic and English relative clauses, it's time to practice. Here are some exercises for you to try:

  1. Write five sentences in English using relative clauses.
  2. Translate the sentences into Arabic, making sure to use the correct relative pronoun variation.

Heading level 2: Conclusion[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

In this lesson, you have learned the differences between Arabic and English relative clauses. While there are some differences between the two languages, they both serve the same purpose of providing more information about a noun. Don't hesitate to practice more and ask for help whenever needed.

Standard Arabic Course - 0-әншіліктік Әріп-тілі - Мәнінен А1-ке[қайнарын өңдеу]

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Басқа сабақтар[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]


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